Accident Reporting Tips

  • Obtain names, addresses & phone numbers of all parties involved, including witnesses.

  • Note the date, time and location of accident.

  • Obtain license numbers of vehicles involved.

  • Report Accident to police department or other designated authority.

  • Obtain name and badge number of investigating officer, if applicable.

  • Obtain name of other person’s insurance company and policy number, if available.

To submit a claim use one of the appropriate company. Please contact your insurance company and your agent directly at so we may direct you in processing your claim.

  • Obtain names, addresses & phone numbers of all parties involved, including witnesses.

  • Note the date, time and location of accident.

  • Obtain license numbers of vehicles involved.

  • Report Accident to police department or other designated authority.

  • Obtain name and badge number of investigating officer, if applicable.

  • Obtain name of other person’s insurance company and policy number, if available.

To submit a claim use one of the appropriate company. Please contact your insurance company and your agent directly at so we may direct you in processing your claim.